The Swedish Trade Union Confederation’s demands regarding public procurement

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Sweden must ratify ILO Convention No. 94, thus making it clear that conditions concerning Swedish collective agreements can be imposed in public procurement. In that way public procurement can contribute to maintaining conditions in the labour market. The Swedish Trade Union Confederation Congress resolved that the Swedish Trade Union Confederation must work to promote this, after carrying a motion from SEKO (Union for Service and Communication Employees).

The question of Swedish ratification has been the subject of inquiries. The constantly repeated argument against Swedish ratification has been that the Convention may contravene EU Directives etc. on public procurement. The centre-right government has let it be understood that it does not intend to propose Swedish ratification.

The LO Executive Council rejects this objection, among other things in view of the fact that nine EU countries are already bound by the Convention. The Swedish Trade Union Confederation also contributed actively to the Social Democratic party congress resolution in 2005 in favour of Sweden's ratification of ILO Convention No. 94.